Monday, August 7, 2017

End of the Second Week

It has been an interesting week this week. Marc has been working with Noel to learn the process of his job. He has been working with the program masters and original recordings. Diane has worn many hats this week. She assisted Cheryl with the inventory of the tapes in Australia, worked with Helen and Noel in learning more about the database and how to work with the data, and continuing on the project she works on in the states.
Working on the database.
Marc and Noel.

But things came to a halt on Tuesday. On Tuesday the fiber optics cable was cut, and there were additional issues with the server. The cable was repaired and the servers now seem to be functioning. We have learned, when living on the reservation, that technology can be an interesting fellow and are used to our network fluctuating. So we did other things that day that did not involve Internet. Unfortunately our phone lines were also down.  Life is always interesting, and we are just going with the flow. Thank you for bridging the gap for us!

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